The Power Of An Authentic Leadership Style

Do you need to change who you are to be a better leader?

One of the most critical factors that determine the success or failure of a team comes down to leadership style. The wrong leadership style can lead to a number of problems, including low morale, poor communication, and a lack of trust. On the other hand, the right leadership style can help a team to thrive. 

It's not uncommon for leaders to try to experiment with different leadership styles or emulate the leadership style of a leader they admire. The major drawback of doing so is that it does not come across as genuine if the adopted leadership style deviates from who they really are. 

In this article, I recount my reflections on how to develop a leadership style that empowers you to lead effectively and yet remain rooted in who you are.

An authentic leadership style is an effective leadership style

The advice that I always give to leaders who I coach in my leadership development program can be summed up in 3 simple words: just be yourself.

If you position your entire leadership style around someone else, it is not only inauthentic, but it can also be detrimental to your own success. In your bid to imitate someone else, you are not leveraging your own innate strengths and abilities.

Beyond that, you put yourself at risk of alienating yourself from your team because they would be the first ones to see through your false persona. This could limit your ability to build a strong rapport and establish trust with your team, which in turn affects the level of influence that you have in your team.

Authentic leaders know who they are and what they stand for

You lead best when you lead as who you are. It can be tempting to analyse the leadership style of leaders you admire and attempt to imitate exactly what they say or do, particularly if these leaders are successful. 

As a leadership coach, I've worked with many leaders to find and develop a leadership style that is personal and unique to them. Once leaders embrace and develop their authentic leadership style, they will be able to connect to their team in the way that is most natural to them. 

Here are some practical steps you can take to develop a leadership style that is authentic to you:

  1. Be clear of your values and beliefs

    When it comes to leadership, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The most effective leaders are those who lead in a way that is true to themselves. This means understanding and living in alignment with their own values and beliefs.

    Values are the guiding principles that we use to make decisions in life. They shape our actions, our thoughts, and our relationships. Everyone has a unique set of values that makes them who they are.

    Beliefs are the ideas and convictions that we hold to be true. They influence the way we see the world and the way we interact with others. Our beliefs can either support or conflict with our values.

    Developing your authentic leadership style requires you to understand both your values and beliefs, and to use this self-knowledge to guide your actions when establishing common values, goals, and culture in your team.

  2. Be committed to growth

    Leading from a place of confidence in who you are is not an excuse for discarding the growth mentality. Having been an executive coach for more than a decade, I can say for certain that the best leaders are those who do not stop pursuing growth. 

    When your team can witness your continuous commitment to growth, be it on the personal or professional front, they see a leader who is dedicated to both the success of the team as well as them as individuals. That knowledge builds respect for you as their leader, and they will likely perceive you to be someone whom they can follow.

  3. Be transparent about your journey

    The path to developing your authentic leadership style also means being transparent about where you are in your journey, the challenges you face, the mistakes you have made, and whether or not you have been able to learn from them. 

    When it comes to leadership, authenticity is key. Being transparent about your journey as a leader – the good and the bad – can go a long way in building trust with your team. When your team knows that you’re not afraid to admit your mistakes and that you’re always working to improve, they’ll be more likely to follow you and buy into your vision.

The pursuit of authenticity in your leadership begins now

Amidst the plethora of leadership styles that leaders can try to emulate, my advice to leaders who undergo my executive coaching program is to make authenticity the core of your leadership style. 

A leader who embraces authenticity can unlock influence in a way that a leader who is "well-put-together" cannot. Leaders who are able to be genuine and honest with themselves and others are able to build trust and create a strong sense of community. 

If you are not currently prioritising authenticity in your leadership, perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the leadership style you want to adopt moving forward.

Jason Ho
Jason is SouthEast Asia's 1st Gallup’s StrengthsFinder® Certified & Platinum Coach. He is both founder and principal coach in Strengths School™ ( and has over 7 years of corporate experience in training, development and performance coaching for MNCs, SMEs, schools & non-profit organisations. Jason has over 11,000 hours of experience in Personal development coaching and Management consultancy. He completed the PMC Certification (Practising Management Consultant) - a certification that is awarded by the SBACC (Singapore Business Advisors & Consultants Council) ensuring the high standards for Management Consultancy in Singapore. Jason sits on the NUS Business School panel as a StrengthsFinder® Advisor and assists in running the ‘Emerging Leaders Program’ for high performance business individuals. Jason has successfully led workshops and coaching programs for corporate organization such as DHL, Lee Jeans, Wrangler, Vans, VF Corp, National University of Singapore, NUS business School, Mininstry of Education and various schools and learning institutes. His passion to empower adults and youths alike in strengths is evident through his energy and enthusiasm in leading fun-filled workshops. There is never a dull moment when it come to sharing StrengthsFinder with others as he believes that with the correct mix of humour in a session, the participants get the most learning. As a strengths coach, his top 5 strengths make the coaching journey light and enjoyable but yet deep and meaningful. Clients leave having a heightened level of self-awareness that is empowering and gives new direction in life. At Strengths School™, he pushes the strengths movement in Singapore, HongKong and Asia. He believes that once people discover their StrengthsFinder talents, they become more of who they were made to be, rather than try to be someone that they are not. He is extremely passionate about StrengthsFinder and if you have a chance to talk to him about it, you would experience first hand how extreme that passion is.

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